Benefits of onion juice for hair.

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The right DIY at-home treatment for your hair and scalp will help make it look shinier and healthier. Therefore, starting to take care of your hair using natural methods has been around for a long time. Especially helps with hair loss. and contains substances extracted from onions. There are many variables that may cause onion juice to have different effects.

But boiling onions and using water to make a juice-like substance to help care for the scalp. Let it marinate for a while and rinse it off in the bathroom can help reduce scalp problems. Or it could be finely chopping an onion and putting it in shampoo, but you have to rinse and wash your hair thoroughly as usual.

Onions contain chemical compounds such as sulfur, antioxidants such as flavonoids, สมัคร ufabet, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They may also be good for heart and intestinal health. Onions may also help nourish the hair. It increases the chances of hair growth and may help reduce hair loss as well. 

Recipe for hair care with onions

As for the part that will be used to nourish the hair, it is the water obtained from squeezing onions. Because it can be anointed to cover both the hair and scalp, nourishing the hair with onions can be done as follows. 

  • Take about 1-2 onions, peel them, cut them into pieces, and blend them well.
  • When blended until fine Filter with a clean cloth. to take only water
  • When you have the onion juice Apply it and massage it all over your head. When finished, leave it for about 1 hour.
  • Then wash it off with shampoo. This will prevent the smell of onions from sticking to your hair and scalp.
  • Nourish the hair and scalp with onion juice 1-2 times/week. then notice the change.

If it’s not convenient, use fresh onions and squeeze them into juice. You may choose to use products containing onions to nourish the hair and scalp instead.

Precautions for Nourish your hair with onions

Even onions have properties to nourish the hair. However, there may be some precautions regarding using onions to nourish hair health as follows:

  • People with onion allergies which may be allergic by eating or allergic to contact Be careful or avoid using onions and onion juice to nourish your hair.
  • People with sensitive skin Onion juice may cause skin irritation. and scalp If irritation, bumps, rashes, or itching occur, you should immediately rinse your scalp and hair with clean water. And stop using onion juice immediately.
  • Using onion juice to anoint the head Onion juice may flow into the eyes. This may cause eye pain or irritation.
  • The smell of onions may be offensive to some people, so wash off with shampoo thoroughly to get rid of the onion smell.